Other March/April events (in chronological order) --March madness. I took 2nd this year in the Round by Round. Chow won the whole thing by less than 1.5 points. It was a fun tournament. BYU made it passed round 1—a very exciting miracle. Kansas lost in the 2nd round. Many people—including me –had them winning the whole thing so it was no wonder my post was “Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!” The end of the tournament had me rooting for Butler since Clancy picked Duke. In my heart I thought Duke would win, but I was still hoping for the underdog.
I heard Michael Bublé was coming in concert back in November. I purposely decided to wait to purchase my tickets until the day of the concert because of our luck when Matchbox Twenty came to town. We found that they sold floor seats at GA prices. So you can imagine my disappointment when I didn't get to go, but instead chose to get my dryer fixed instead. "Mar 31 - Well, I was fiscally responsible today. Don't everybody pass out. I forfeited the Michael Bublé concert for a working dryer. I'll be honest, the sweet hum of a working appliance is pretty satisfying --Not Michael Bublé satisfying...but I digress."
A couple weeks later, I had a chance to go to Alabama to spend some time with Cassi and the two cuties while Brad was receiving training and accommodations from the Pentagon in DC. I had SOO MUCH FUN on this trip! Alexa Jo. is one funny little girl. Cassi is such a great Mom, too. One of the best things I learned from Alexa Jo. is when you ask her "Why are you so cute?" and she responds in her darling voice "Because my Papi is cute." I guess Cassi taught her this. When Brad learned of this he looked at Cassi and said "Cute? Couldn't you teach her I was 'ruggedly handsome'?" Sooo funny! Apr 10th's status read: "Alabama rocks! Friendly people, beautiful weather, authentic BBQ, fried green tomatoes, Montgomery Zoo, and hot Krispe Kremes---It is quite possible I am too full!"
My brother Baa Haa graduated on April 25th with his MPA from BYU.
It was an awesome day!! My parents came down from Idaho, as well as Lincoln with Field and Abram, and Brad and Cassi with the two cuties. They packed up their moving van that same night and we had a delicious dinner at Baa and Lissa's with B
en and Ashley, and Marianne. That kicked off a busy weekend with Cailin being blessed up in Cassi's home ward in Garland and then Baa leaving for Wichita. They hit a snowstorm for a lot of their trip. (See!?? I told you this weather was lame!!) I was worried as I would talk to him and so after I hung up, I got down on my knees and prayed. Probably not the first thing most people do, but I went and put this on my FB: "We can't ask for bump-free, no-bugs-on-the-windshield, a-tank-of-gas-lasting-700-miles, travels...but we can ask for safe travels...and that brings a lot of peace of mind." I really did feel peace that they would be ok. I will miss them terribly. It's been awesome to have them so close.
1 comment:
We miss you too! Soso much! I am sure the reason we made it thru that storm was due to all the prayers: yours, mine, Bryce's and Marianne's since we were all praying out loud as we drove thru it. Whew! I can't wait to get to where we will be putting down (little) roots so you can come visit. I miss you somethin awful!
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