Sunday, October 3, 2010
Give said the little stream...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Some of my heros
(I stole this picture off the photographer's blog, so I hope that isn't illegal. )
Friday, May 28, 2010
Vignettes --I looked it up, they're what I thought they were
The following are just comments I made on that I would like to remember.
Mar 13 - Made homemade whole wheat spaghetti tonight with my Dad ♥
It was the best spaghetti EVER and prompted me to buy a pasta maker. This turned out to be a fiasco since the item arrived from eBay sans crank. After 4 weeks of the seller's attempt to make it better, it resulted in a refund. So I am still on the hunt.
Mar 15 - "O, death, where is thy sting?"
Same weekend that I had the best spaghetti of my life, I woke up Monday morning with the worst case of the flu I have ever encountered. I didn't hardly move for 3 days. I was miserable to say the least. My dad says this when he camps. I think it's appropriate to be used in cases where you think you are not going to make it to the next sunrise. Thankfully, I did.
Mar 23 - Loves Trader Joe's "mini milk chocolate peanut butter cups"!!!
Mar 31 - I like a little apple with my peanut butter :)
See? I don't have to have the unhealthiest form of PB. I can make my apples fattening too! Haha.
Apr 6 – Who doesn't like a good snog? Isn't that right, Harry?
I think I'll leave this one "as is":)
Apr 6 - Conflict is where the car in front of you has a NY Yankee sticker in one corner AND a
In the past, on April 15th, I would write "I hate taxes!" on every check I wrote--including the one to the IRS. This year, I actually got a refund, so I'm not feeling the same animosity. YAY!
Apr 18 -Hard to beat a weekend with family, picnics, and gorgeous weather. I even got my first sunburn of the season. Love it!
This was another full weekend. On the 17th we had our NCAA March Madness "Steady Boy Steady" dinner. Then Saturday, we moved our Easter picnic to this weekend. It was so great to be able to go down to the creek and roast hotdogs, roll our Easter eggs, and hang out with family. This was ONE weekend where it didn't you gotta love that!
The end of the tournament had me rooting for
I heard Michael Bublé was coming in concert back in November. I purposely decided to wait to purchase my tickets until the day of the concert because of our luck when Matchbox Twenty came to town. We found that they sold floor seats at GA prices. So you can imagine my disappointment when I didn't get to go, but instead chose to get my dryer fixed instead. "Mar 31 - Well, I was fiscally responsible today. Don't everybody pass out. I forfeited the Michael Bublé concert for a working dryer. I'll be honest, the sweet hum of a working appliance is pretty satisfying --Not Michael Bublé satisfying...but I digress."
My brother Baa Haa graduated on April 25th with his MPA from BYU. It was an awesome day!! My parents came down from
en and Ashley, and Marianne. That kicked off a busy weekend with Cailin being blessed up in Cassi's home ward in
Monday, May 17, 2010
March and April --In like a lion, out like a ....lion
Weather - As the caption of this blog post states, the weather influenced a lot of my facebook status. It rained, and rained, then we had a few good days, then it would rain or worse…SNOW! On April 29th I was glad for a warm house. This weather has been so frustrating! (That “trend” has not stopped even at this writing date of May 29th. But more on that later:))
I was watching TV one night and I usually skip through the commercials, but on caught my eye on supporting your Vet. I had a blonde moment (no offense to blondes) and put this on my FB status: Mar 16 – “FYI, is a website to support our wonderful Veterans of our Armed Forces, not support of your veterinarian. Sorry Linc. I feel so foolish.”
There's a show on TV that makes me laugh. It is about a community college and a study group that has gotten close to each other. It kind of reminds me of my awesome group in grad school and the various dynamics that each relationship has. Now there's not a lot of comparison to the actual character, but that's why I like to watch it. One episode caught me a little off guard, when a guy I thought was a wimpy, geeky, nerd --but in a pool competition, he had deltoids and laterals and triceps...after having watched that part ten times I wrote on FB "Wow Joel McHale/Jeff Winger. Who knew?"
And finally on my TV trend, on Apr 22nd I wrote “Loves it when I see places I've been on TV shows I watch. Makes me feel so cool. :)” This after I had been watching House Hunters International and they were in the exact area of
Babies were another trend that I commented on a few times during these couple of months. My friends Coralie and Justin Stokes had their 2nd baby, a girl on March 10th. They named her Bailey. That is a cute name.
My new niece was born on May 3rd. We didn’t know the gender and I’ll be honest…that made it even mo
Saturday, May 15, 2010
January...start the year off fine...February, you're my little Valentine..

I got to meet her on February 6th - I wrote on FB "My new niece is a BEAUTY!! She looks like a little mini-Alexa Jo. (her sister). Loved spending time with them today. :) Good times!"
Note to self - don't use Redbox Free First Monday code in February, since it's a busy time of year and I must have forgotten to take a redbox movie back, because on Feb 3 I wrote "[Missy] Hates it when the "Redbox free code Monday" becomes the "You owe a $1.07 Wednesday"!"

My cousin Melanie married a good guy on Feb 20th in the Logan temple. She looked beautiful and I need to remind her to send me a picture so I can put it in here. But for now...this will have to do:
day! (Even if BYU did lose.) (The 80 points was from the game, if BYU got 80 points, Magleby's Fresh gave away free chocolate cake...and they have AMAZING chocolate cake.)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Christmas of Love--and Happy New Year!!
My "Things I learned in 2009" are a little small, so I will put them here:
*International Admissions --an awesome place to work.
*Spain & Italy are BEAUTIFUL!*29 Mumfords - a lot of fun (even with the stomach flu!)
*Albuquerque gets snow and Newport Beach is lovely.
*Exercise - not as over-rated as I hoped.
*Christmas tree hunting is better with proper footwear.
*I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and pray you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Love, Me
Of course, I learned a lot more than that.
I love the young women in my ward. I love the girls I sing with and the women I serve with in Young Womens. I learned that vitamin B12 is kind of a big deal. I learned how to make divinity with my cousin Valayne. (It was awesome! I am now saving for a Bosch. :) ) It's been a very good year.
For Christmas, Hollie suggested we get my parents new pictures of my Goff grandparents. I contacted my Aunt Cindy and she was a huge help in getting this project done for us. I didn't know my grandparents too well, as they died before I was old enough to remember much. I know they lived frugally and worked very hard. This photo was taken at my Uncle Mike and Aunt Cindy's wedding. And here is my mom holding the finished product. She cried--in a good way.

My friend Bonnie and her daughter Ava decided to come up to Idaho for New Years. She called it their "adventure". It was great to have her there - I hope they had a great time. We had a lot of family and friends ring in 2010 with us! We have a tradition in my family to go bowling on New Years Day. Our dear friend Del Ray opens the alley for us and we bowl our hearts out. I actually bowled a 135 this year (only had one game in me) and I almost beat my Dad! (He must have been having a bad game, cuz he usually has higher scores than that.) Anyway - here's a few pics from the "adventure! Not a bad way to start a great year, not a bad way at all!