Do you remember in Grade School when you played tag at recess and you would say "tag! not it!" cuz you didn't want to be tagged? Well, I was tagged...
25 random things by me --– In no particular order.
-I love my family like nobody’s business. Any of them who read this might disagree, but we really have little dysfunction, if we have any at all. Sure we botch up communication like all families, but we work it out in good time and focus on the good things. All my siblings married amazing spouses and my nieces and nephews are my pride and joy. I LOVE family gatherings- they are noisy but cozy.
– My Mom and Dad are incredible parents. Talk about unconditional love. I can barely type this sentence and not start bawling in gratitude for all they have done for me. Seriously, if I only had one wish in my whole life that I wish would come true, it would be that children everywhere could have as great of parents as I do and to have as great of childhood as I did. I know there are a lot of great parents out there, everyone deserves that.
– My feet always seem to be cold. Annoying. – I love Kentucky Fried Chicken. It’s a guilty pleasure. Admittedly I have many of those…Cheap Totinos pizzas, ice cream sundaes, nachos, bugles, peanut butter M&M’s, ok, you get the point…too many!
– I hate ketchup. I can’t stand even the sight, smell, or suggestion of it. I will throw-up on command if I see it or smell it. Revolting stuff!
– I love fresh sheets. I wish I had a close-line where I could dry them outside (in the summer I mean) because that is the ultimate fresh smell, but alas, Snuggle fabric softener and dryer sheets do a pretty good job. The key…don’t bring the day’s grime to bed…shower first.
– I love to sleep in. Weekends, holidays, and vacations are the best when I can sleep in. This year, church moved to 11:00 –YEAH!!!!
– I shower a lot. In the morning, after working out, before bed, before a date, etc. I think it stems from when I worked on the farm and had to be ready for softball in 10 minutes. I would get in trouble if I used all the hot water, so I learned to be quick. I like to be clean.
– I love foreign film. My favorite movie of all time is Life Is Beautiful. I know many people are bothered by subtitles, but they don’t bother me and after a few minutes I can’t even tell they are there. Chariots of Fire is also in my top 5 of best films of all time—foreign or otherwise.
– I get “sad” over silly things. Like the discontinuance of the flavored soda “Lemon Drop” from Jones Soda Co. I had to drink sparkling pink lemonade this past New Years. Or the first time JAG was cancelled. Oh the inhumanity!
– 25?? Ugh, this is taking forever!
– I hate most commercials. I say most, because there are a few ad campaigns that I am in love with. The Mac vs. PC is genius, Hillshire Farms “go meat!”, and the last few SuperBowls have had some good ones.
– I get a lot of my music off television shows. If I hear a song I like, I am relentless in finding out who sings it and getting my hands on a copy of it. Some of my latest Brandie Carlile’s “Have You Ever” or Beth Rowley’s “Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground”. Good tunes, man.
– I have to wear sunglasses outside. Ironically, I read the importance of protecting my eyes as I was waiting to get lasik eye surgery, so the fact that I’ve needed them a little more since then is double bonus. Thankfully I look good in them. I have about 7 pairs for different outfits and when I temporarily lose a pair. Eddie Bauer lasted the longest.
– I love Sonicare toothbrushes. I have been using them for 7 years now and really feel they are the reason I get better checkups. I am on my 3rd, they keep improving the features, so I have to upgrade :)
– I have fantastic friends. I moved around a lot as a kid, so making friends was never very hard for me, but I have been so blessed to have so many good influences in my life. From the “5 musketeers” in high school, my college roommates, my mission, to now, I’ve been surrounded by talent, goodness, and wisdom. They are soooooooo patient with me.
– I love it when my biceps are feeling tone –even when I look at them and they aren’t. Actually, I like it when any muscle is feeling tone. This usually happens the day after a good work out where I lifted weights. Light reps, and plenty of them. My trainers are often amazed at the capacity I have for heavy weights. I tell them my dad didn’t give me these thighs for nothing. :)
– I have a high heat tolerance. I love to lay in the sun. I can do it in the dead of summer when it’s blazin hot outside. I don’t usually turn on my AC until August, because it’s not really hot to me. Yes, I ask myself this all the time…What am I doing living in Utah?? haha
– I love Clifton, Idaho—or all of the Cache Valley for that matter. This place totally played a role in my perfect childhood. The people there are so genuine and humble and good. They root for you, even when you go away to college. When you come back, it’s like going home. I love everything from Papa Jay’s (yummmmy jerky) to Davis Lodge to Buck’s Peak to Twin Lakes. I have sooo many great memories of those places and the people I was with. Can’t wait for President’s Day when I get to go “home”.
– I hate budgeting. I am not good at it. I once gave my sister all control over my bills and finances because I was not making good fiduciary decisions. That was not too long ago, and while I’m doing better, to quote my nephew Max “Well, I don’t like it.”
– I love Cascade/Dawn tablets for the dishwasher. I will never use anything different as long as I am getting these results.
– I love KSL. I think it’s because I was raised with this channel and remember watching BYU football games as a little kid with the “Voice of the Cougars…Paul James”. I actually cried when Dick Norse retired last year.
– I hate RC Willey. I’m pretty sure they are connected with the mob somehow. They have junk furniture and even junkier customer service. If you don’t look like you can afford it, they don’t even give you the time of day. I hate all places like that, actually, RC Willey just happens to be at the top of the list. I will never buy another piece of furniture from them.
– I love shoes. I could spend hours in a shoe store and spend thousands if I had it. There are a lot of great compliments, but “Great shoes! Is one of my favorites.”
– I miss my Grandma. Please don’t take this to mean I don’t miss other loved ones who have passed. I do, terribly. But my Grandma was one of my best friends and there are days I wish I could just call her and tell her about my day. She used to whisper in my ear as I hugged her “Stay in Clifton” because she wanted me closer. I know there are a lot of people who feel this way about her. She made you feel like you were the favorite. She was wise and funny and soo generous. I want to be just like her when I grow up.
I probably have about 2000 more random things about me...But to quote the movie Babe "That'll do pig...That'll do."
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I'll admit my bias up front. I love classic trends --not so much into the trendy, flash-in-the-pan type fashion, however. So that may explain why I'm cringing at the information found on this website:>1=32002 Entitled "The Next Big Things of '09". It's an article on what are the upcoming fashion trends for this year. Sufficeth to say...I am not amused.
Exhibit 1:
Exhibit 1:

Yes, this is supposedly going to be the "it" thing to wear. Mechanics all over the world are rejoicing that Gisele will be sporting what they wear everyday. (This is not meant to bash on mechanics and their attire --it's very functional for them as they use it for coveralls.)
The website says that the fashion experts had some doubts, but "Style it a bit loosely (legs and arms cuffed a little) and cinch it at the waist. Add low heels or ankle boots to contrast with the loose pant legs, and open the collar to expose your collarbone. A cuff bracelet finishes it off with a touch of softness." uhhhhhh, NOPE! Still doesn't work for me!
The website says that the fashion experts had some doubts, but "Style it a bit loosely (legs and arms cuffed a little) and cinch it at the waist. Add low heels or ankle boots to contrast with the loose pant legs, and open the collar to expose your collarbone. A cuff bracelet finishes it off with a touch of softness." uhhhhhh, NOPE! Still doesn't work for me!
This is supposed to pay an updated homage to the flapper-era. If I were the flapper-era....I would be really, really mad! This "dress" retails for $239. I say your money would be better spent on a roundtrip ticket to reality. 1 point for creative, 10 points for ugly. UGLY WINS!
Not all the fashion items were this bad, but I think it's a good thing I'm not buying clothes as much this year (it's a weight loss year --just using what's in my closet, for the most part.) Like I said, I'm thankful for the classic trends that never seem to go out of style. Oh yeah, I'll turn those heads yet. ;)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Let the haze begin...And I don't ski :(

So, in an effort to look on the positive, I will list things I like about January.
1) We observe Martin Luther King Jr Day. FKA Human or Civil Rights Day. Of course this is a day off from work for me, but I love that we pay tribute to this man and others who have stayed the cause of human rights in our nation.
2) The gyms are busy. Granted, this is also a source of my frustration. I have a bike and an eliptical glider and a treadmill that I really like, along with 200 other people it seems. But it does my heart good to see so many taking their health seriously. (I wish that could be considered cardio. :)) I know, I know, I need to hope this is still an issue in November. But I don't think it will even make it to February. haha
3)There are a lot of birthdays in my family this month. Brad, Mur, Melynn, Sachi, Hollie, Sara, Lissa, and Mackiah--HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you all!
There's a lot of excitement with the Inauguration happening tomorrow. President-elect Obama will drop the "elect" from his title as he is sworn in on the steps of the Capitol. He has a bit of a mess on his hands...from stabalizing the economy to fixing the broken's not going to be an easy go. He's got a lot of people to please and having served as presidents of many different's not possible to please everyone. I am reminded that he can't do it alone. I have to do my part to make our country better. I do not agree with all his policies and ideas, but I will pledge my support him and that office. Best wishes President prayers are with you! :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
To Resolve or not to resolve...that is the question

Sooooo, it's that time of year again. The New Year. A time when you can reflect on the past year and make the same mistakes...I mean, improve, make changes, be a better person. Many critics say that resolutions just make one discouraged and don't really change much of anything. I look at last years list and considering the obstacles 2008 presented, I did pretty good. I had financial, spiritual, mental, professional, and health goals. And it looks like this year I will have the same. :)
I already started off this year better as I didn't start it off saying "2008 will be my year of health"...well, if that means "I will be spending more time at the doctor" then alas, that was my year of health. :(
So, no declarations, no shout outs, no tempting The Fates. Just a pledge to myself that I will make my world a better place by increasing my random acts of kindness, I will make me better by saving, exercising, reading, and improving relationships/friendships. I will cook more and eat out less and recycle more. I will dance like no one is watching and sing like no one is listening. This does not mean that I won't buy impulsively, go to a movie instead of the gym, opt for TV over a book, and grab takeout on the way home from work..but I will do it less than I did this year, and that's where you have to start.
I already started off this year better as I didn't start it off saying "2008 will be my year of health"...well, if that means "I will be spending more time at the doctor" then alas, that was my year of health. :(
So, no declarations, no shout outs, no tempting The Fates. Just a pledge to myself that I will make my world a better place by increasing my random acts of kindness, I will make me better by saving, exercising, reading, and improving relationships/friendships. I will cook more and eat out less and recycle more. I will dance like no one is watching and sing like no one is listening. This does not mean that I won't buy impulsively, go to a movie instead of the gym, opt for TV over a book, and grab takeout on the way home from work..but I will do it less than I did this year, and that's where you have to start.
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