This year, we decided to put a Christmas program together because I signed us up to sing for the "EmptyNester" group in our ward. To practice this program, we also decided to have a Christmas Kick-off Concert for our family and friends. We sent out an invite -

Of course, the night before, I start to get the inklings of a sore throat...that soon turned into laryngitis. But that didn't keep me from singing. (Ironically, "How can I keep from singing?" is one of our pieces that we sing.)
My Mom, Duke, Katie June, and Millie came all the way from Idaho. Michelle came with the kids (straight from In-and-Out Burger) and Baa Haa and Lissa came up from Utah County. It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo great to have my family there supporting me. They are awesome! ( I think Michelle took pictures of my family and I so I will try and get them for archival sake ;) )
I love these ladies! They are so much fun to be with and to sing with. It was a great way to "kick-off" the season of celebrating our Saviors birth. I am so blessed to have these friendships and am grateful for each one of them.
I heard ya'll sing and you are amazing!!!! (Blog follower #1)
Sorry we weren't able to make it. I'm sure you sounded great. You all look really cute too. You'll have to sing some of your songs for us at Christmas!
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